Saturday, August 6, 2011

Penanda Molekul DNA Mikrosatelit Untuk Karakterisasi Bibit Jamur Kuping (Auricularia polytricha [Mont.] Sacc.)

I Nyoman Pugeg Aryantha1,2), Yuniar Mulyani2) dan Rahmat Ariffudin2)

1) KK-Mikrobiologi-Genetika-Biologi Molekuler, SITH-ITB
2) Pusat Ilmu Hayati - ITB

Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, INDONESIA


This study aims to find out a method of spawn characterization for wood ear mushroom (A. Polytricha) based on microsatellite DNA marker. Four strains of wood ear mushroom cultivated in several regions of Java i.e AUC (West Java), AUCN (Central Java), AUP (West Java) and AUT (West Java) were evaluated. A pair of designed primer (5’ -GGGAAAGTGATCCCATCTT-3’ and 3’-AGTTGTGGGAACATCGAACT-5’) was able to amplify microsatellite DNA from those four strains of wood ear mushroom. Strains AUC, AUCN and AUP share the same positions (2 loci) of microsatellite motive (TC)n with PCR products of 212 and 201 bp, while the same motive for strain AUT was found at different loci with PCR products of 127, 108, and 96 bp. The same motive was also found at another locus of strain AUC and AUP with a PCR product of 228 bp. Another different locus with a PCR product of 85 bp also gave positive amplification result for strain AUC. The data on macroscopic characters (mycelial growth rate and quality, fruiting percentage and mushroom yield) reveal that AUC, AUCN and AUP are good strains, while AUT is bad strain. Overall, there is a good correlation between molecular (microsatellite DNA) patterns and macroscopic data on mycelial growth rate and quality as well as flushing percentage and mushroom yield. Therefore, microsatellite DNA motive of (TC)n can be adopted for spawn characterization of wood ear mushroom.

Key words : Auricularia polytricha, wood ear mushroom, microsatellite DNA, spawn characterization
Jurnal Matematika dan Sains, Vol 13 (1) : halaman 7-15

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