Arina Novilla1) I Nyoman Pugeg Aryantha1,2), Dea Indriani Astuti1)
1) KK Mikrobiologi Genetika dan Biologi Molekuler, SITH-ITB
2) Pusat Ilmu Hayti ITB
Salmonella typhi is a potential food born pathogen causing typhoid fever for human. The use of antibiotic to overcome this germ may also kill beneficent bacteria in the intestines. A better alternative to control S. typhi has to be found out. This research was aimed to obtain good bacteria (probiotic) that can suppress the growth of S. typhi as well as to study their dynamical population in liquid culture. Probiotic bacteria were first isolated from several samples of yoghurt, kefir and pickles. Eighteen (18) isolates including 10 yeast and 8 bacteria were obtained. Standard anti-microbial sensitivity test using Kirby Bauer method was then conducted for screening of these isolates. The result indicated that two isolates i.e A5-1 and A5-2 show a strong anti microbial effect. These two isolates which were identified as Lactobacillus helveticus (A5-1) and Lactobacillus delbrueckii (A5-2) were then tested further. S. typhi was then challenged with both isolates. The growth rate of A5-1 (L. helveticus) without shaking was 0,24/hour and the growth rate of A5-2 (L. delbrueckii) was 0,16/hour. On the other hand, the growth rate of S. typhi without shaking was 0,16/hour. Inhibition test showed that S. typhi was the best inhibited by L. delbrueckii after 18 hours over 12.5 mm on agar plate. Further on, S. typhi population was significantly reduced over 22.9% by a mixture of A5-1 and A5-2 (1:1) in liquid system. This result indicates the potential use of probiotic bacteria to control S. typhi population without threatening the beneficent microflora which mainly also belong to lactic acid bacterial group
Key words : Probiotic bacteria, lactic acid bacteria, Lactobacillus helveticus, Lactobacillus delbrueckii, Salmonella typhi
1st International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences, 29-30 Nov. 2006, Bandung West Java
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